Courses given by the Department of Turkish Language
Course Code | Course Name | METU Credit | Contact (h/w) | Lab (h/w) | ECTS |
TURK101 | TURKISH I | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2.0 |
Course ContentThe course will cover the following: the importance of language as a social institution in the life of a nation; relations between culture and language; the Turkish languages and their geographical distribution; history of the Turkish language; phonology of the Turkish language; rules of punctuation. The rule of inflection (declension and conjugation) and derivation in the Turkish language. General rules of composition; various forms of written expression. | |||||
TURK102 | TURKISH II | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2.0 |
Course ContentReading from literature; exercises in composition. Errors in sentence structure and their correction, writing research papers; development of students ability to speak and write well through the use of selected texts from world literatures. | |||||
TURK103 | ORAL COMMUNICATION | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentWritten expression; composition and punctuation rules; types of written expression; colloquial, literary, scientific and official language; criticism; researching and using sources; classroom exercises and discussions concerning all the subjects. | |||||
TURK104 | WRITTEN EXPRESSION | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentLanguage, its definition and importance, relations between speaking and thinking, developing the comprehension and expression ability; language and culture relations, listening and its importance, effective listening; reading, its importance and functions; reading types; expression and its rules, expression units, types, forms and means; oral expression and types of oral expression; fluent, correct and effective speaking, body language; classroom exercises and discussions. | |||||
TURK105 | TURKISH I | 0 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThe characteristics, rules and basic grammar is given in this course. Practical work is carried to improve the students comprehension, writing and speaking skills. | |||||
TURK106 | TURKISH II | 0 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentWith contemporary script examples, improvement of students vocabulary is achieved. By working on terminology and classroom exercises using scripts in their relevant educational areas, reading and comprehension improvement is aimed. | |||||
TURK107 | TURKISH I | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 4.0 |
Course ContentThe characteristics, rules and basic grammar is given in this course. Practical work is carried to improve the students comprehension, writing and speaking skills. | |||||
TURK108 | TURKISH II | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 4.0 |
Course ContentWith contemporary script examples, improvement of students vocabulary is achieved. By working on terminology and classroom exercises using scripts in their relevant educational areas, reading and comprehension improvement is aimed. | |||||
TURK109 | LANGUAGE AND EXPRESSION I | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course Content1. Introduction and Course Content | |||||
TURK110 | LANGUAGE AND EXPRESSION II | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course Content1. Introduction and Course Content | |||||
Course ContentAppliance of communication, affective pronunciation; body language, usage of dramatic language; facial expressin, improvisation and appliance of all these princibles to a chosen Turkish dram. | |||||
TURK118 | TURKISH SIGN LANGUAGE | 3 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThis course covers the definition of hearing impaired or deaf people; the culture of deaf and hearing impaired people; difficulties in education and social life; the importance of Turkish Sign Language; methods of communication with hearing impaired and deaf people. | |||||
TURK201 | ELEMENTARY TURKISH I | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentDesigned to instruct foreign students in the rudiments of the Turkish language in terms of grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Basic characteristics of Turkish language: sounds, vowel and consonant harmonies, changes in consonants, nominal compounds, possessive suffixes, cases, the verb imek, basic tenses and modes, comparative and superlative, numerals, compound tenses. | |||||
TURK202 | INTERMEDIATE TURKISH I | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentDesigned to increase students knowledge of Turkish language. Compound sentences, voices, compound verbs, written and oral expression of ideas within the limits of a paragraph, written and oral translation. | |||||
TURK203 | INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TURKISH | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentBasic start-up in Turkish language: Basic oral expressions (how to get acquainted with new people, how to use greeting expressions & survival words necessary for daily life). Grammer studies: the present continuous, simple past and past continuous tenses. Cases (locative, ablative, dative, accusative, instrumental) are taught using various materials. The first aim of this course is to make the students able to communicate with the outside world and to make them able to read & interpret articles in simple linguistic structures. | |||||
TURK204 | TURKISH FOLK CULTURE | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 4.0 |
Course ContentTurkish folk culture with the introduction of basic elements such as, language, literature, archeology, history, geographical features and natural beauty, architecture and technology, music, crafts, performing arts, culinary arts, thinkers, traditions, beliefs and clohting. | |||||
TURK301 | ADVANCED TURKISH I | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThis course aims to develop and reinforce the basic Turkish language skills of international students according | |||||
TURK302 | ADVANCED TURKISH II | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThis course aims to develop and reinforce the basic Turkish language skills of international students | |||||
TURK303 | TURKISH I | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2.0 |
Course ContentLanguage; the elements of language, the use of language in oral communication; the use of language in written communication; native language; the elements of Turkish language, the present state of Turkish language; official communication. | |||||
TURK304 | TURKISH II | 0 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2.0 |
Course ContentOral and written expression; types of oral and written expression; general rules of official communication; writing research papers; classroom exercises and discussions. | |||||
TURK305 | ORAL COMMUNICATION | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentLanguage, its definition and importance, relations between speaking and thinking, developing the comprehension and expression ability; language and culture relations, listening and importance, effective listening; reading, its importance and functions; reading types; expression and its rules, | |||||
TURK306 | WRITTEN EXPRESSION | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentWritten expression; composition and punctuation rules; types of written expression; colloquial literary, scientific and official language; criticism; searching and using sources; classroom exercises and discussions concerning all the subjects. Prerequisite: TURK 305 | |||||
Course ContentCommunication, the elements of communication; characteristics of oral communication; special features of Turkish pronunciation; corrects pronunciation; Turkish phonology; affective pronunciation; body language; affective and correct usage of Turkish. | |||||
Course Contentperiods of Turkish and world literature are going to be studied, analysed and discussed. These pieces of literature are going to be chosen according to certain subjects and themes. On this course, the students are going to analyse novels and short stories. | |||||
TURK314 | CREATIVE WRITING | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentWithin the scope of creative writing courses will be informed about the methods of observation , connotation, portrayal, character, standpoint and create dialogue. Participants experiences and dreams to be reinterpreted. Issues that concern the individual and society inspired by the new text will be created. | |||||
TURK315 | CRITICAL READING | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThis lesson aims to give to student analyzing, interpreting, criticising and to evaluate skills on oral-written -visual texts. A secondary objective is to analyze the literary, humorous and visual texts, will be chosen different cultures. | |||||
Course ContentBu ders güz döneminde açılan Eleştirel Okuma/Critical Reading dersinde üzerinde durulan okuma biçimleri ve eleştiri kuramlarının bir ardılı olarak daha geniş bir biçimde kültür-toplum ve edebiyat kuramlarını da içeren ileri seviyede bir eleştirme becerisi kazandırmayı hedeflemektedir. Öğrencilerden özgür biçimde özgün eleştiriler beklenmektedir. | |||||
Course ContentBu derste Türk ve Dünya edebiyatının farklı dönemlerinden seçilmiş edebi metinler okunacak, incelenecek ve sınıf ortamında tartışılacaktır. Bu edebi metinler belli bir konu ve/ya temaya göre seçilecek ve ortak noktalardan hareketle değerlendirilecektir. Derste okutulacak kitaplar seçilen tema ve konulara göre zaman içinde değiştirilebilir. Bu derste öncelikle roman ve öykü kitapları üzerinde durulacaktır. Roman ve öykü gibi kurgusal metinlerin belli inceleme planlarına göre değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Bunun için öğrencilere öncelikle kurgusal bir eseri nasıl incelemeleri gerektiği öğretilecektir. Öğrenciler eser incelemesi ile ilgili teknik bilgileri edindikten sonra eserleri yapı, tema, dil ve anlatım gibi başlıklar altında inceleyecekler; edebi eserlerin tarih, sosyoloji, felsefe gibi farklı disiplinlerle olan bağını keşfedecekler; edebiyatın günlük hayatla, insanla ve toplumla olan ilişkisini ortaya çıkaracaklardır. | |||||
TURK318 | TURKISH SIGN LANGUAGE | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 3.0 |
Course ContentThis course covers the definition of hearing impaired or deaf people; the culture of deaf and hearing impaired people; difficulties in education and social life; the importance of Turkish Sign Language; methods of communication with hearing impaired and deaf peo | |||||
TURK319 | STORY EDITING AND FICTION | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 6.0 |
Course ContentBu derste, öykünün kurgusu ve kurmaca konuları ele alınır. Bir öykünün öğelerini ve bu öğelerin özelliklerini ayrıntılı olarak konu edinir. Kurgu ve kurmacanın nasıl ayırt edileceğini ve başarılı bir kurgunun ya da kurmacanın dayandığı ilkeleri belirler. Tüm bu konuları, örnek sanat yapıtlarının üzerinde işler ve kimi uygulamalar gerçekleştirir. | |||||
TURK320 | LITERATURE AND CINEMA | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 6.0 |
Course ContentBu ders, edebiyat-sineması ilişkisini ele alır. Bu ilişkiyi yalnızca uyarlamalar üzerinden kurmaz. Bu iki sanat dalının benzer ve farlı yönlerini, kullandığı kodlama sistemlerini, araçlarını ve iletilerini ele alarak edebiyat-sinema ilişkisini bilgiye dayanarak somutlaştırmayı amaçlar. Bu amaç doğrultusunda edebiyat-sinema yapıtları üzerinden uygulamalar gerçekleştirir; bu alandaki sanat yapıtlarını değerlendirir. | |||||
TURK321 | POETRY ANALYSIS | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentBu derste Türk şiirinden seçilmiş şiir örnekleri tema, yapı ve dil özelliklerine göre incelenecek ve tartışılacaktır. Kurgusal bir metin olan şiirin değerlendirilmesi için belirli bir inceleme planına bağlı kalmak gerekir. Bu yüzden öğrencilere öncelikle şiir inceleme yöntemleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir. İnceleme planı yardımıyla öğrenciler şiir metinlerini yapı, tema ve dil özellikleri açısından değerlendirecekler; dil zevki ve estetiği hakkında bilgi sahibi olacaklardır. Ayrıca geçmişten günümüze dildeki ve bunun bir sonucu olarak şiir dilindeki değişimi, gelişmeyi fark edeceklerdir. | |||||
TURK322 | POETRY ANALYSIS II | 3 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentBu derste Türk şiirinin geçmişten günümüze çeşitli dönemleri, seçilmiş şiir örneklerinden hareketle incelenecek ve tartışılacaktır. Şiirin dönemin özelliklerini yetkin bir biçimde yansıtan nitelikte olmasına dikkat edilecektir. Kurgusal bir metin olan şiirin değerlendirilmesi için belirli bir inceleme planına bağlı kalmak gerekir. Bu yüzden öğrencilere öncelikle şiir inceleme yöntemleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir. İnceleme planı yardımıyla öğrenciler şiir metinlerini yapı, tema ve dil özellikleri açısından değerlenndirecekler; dil zevki ve estetiği hakkında bilgi sahibi olacaklardır. Ayrıca geçmişten günümüze dildeki ve bunun bir sonucu olarak şiir dilindeki değişimi, gelişmeyi fark edeceklerdir. | |||||
TURK323 | BEGINNER TURKISH | 4 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 5.0 |
Course ContentThe aim of this course is to improve students basic communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Academicians who are new to Turkey will be taught words to facilitate their daily lives, basic communication patterns will be comprehended, and basic grammar acquisition will be emphasized. | |||||
Course ContentThe course offers an overview into Turkish society and culture based on an interdisciplinary perspectival approach. The aim of the course is to provide key insights to international students by shedding light on fundamental components of Turkish society and thereby equipping students with relevant background for making better sense of their experience and observations during their study abroad period in Turkey. The course will consist of weekly seminars that focus on different aspects of Turkish society and culture ranging from, but not limited to culture, history, archaeology, diversity, population, politics, foreign policy, diaspora, education system, economics, architecture, fine arts, music, cinema, language, literature, expressive culture, philosophy, religion and food culture. Readings and discussions will be centered on uncovering the links between different aspects of culture and how they play a role in the formation of a unique society that is a unified whole Seminars will be given by faculty members and staff who have specialization in the theme of the week. Where relevant, guest speakers will also be invited to contribute in their areas of specialization.During the course time extracurricular activities such as field trips, film screenings, daily excursions to historic sites and participation in cultural events may be scheduled After completion of the course students will not only have obtained fundamental knowledge in terms of the Turkish sociocultural context but they will also have developed the capacity to assess the intricate relation between culture and society. | |||||