Minor Program in Foreign Language Education

Head of Department: Prof.Dr. SULTAN ÇİĞDEM SAĞIN ŞİMŞEK

Web address: http://www.fle.metu.edu.tr/

Minor Program in German Language

The aim of the minor program is to give students of METU the possibility to study a second foreign language. Basic knowledge of French or German is a precondition in entering the minor program. One objective of the minor program is to reinforce and develop knowledge of French or German. The academic objectives of the program are to give the students, according to their inclinations and interests, knowledge about French or German linguistics, French or German culture and literature, French or German for special purposes, translation, and methods of French or German language teaching.

Compulsory Courses

Course Code Course Name METU Credit Contact (h/w) Lab (h/w) ECTS

6 elective course(s) approved by the Department of Foreign Language Education.

Total minimum credit (ECTS): 18.00

h/w: hours per week