Course Code:6390310
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 1.00)
ECTS Credit:3.0
Department:Modern Languages (English)
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

  • Gain a basic understanding about the current concepts in Turkish higher education
  • Know the historical foundation of Turkish higher education in relation to the global context
  • Understand the patterns pertaining to higher education system and governance in Turkey
  • Acknowledge the role of higher education in society with a specific emphasis on historical events and organizational characteristics
  • Show sensitivity for social constructs that have affected the Turkish higher education system
  • Know how university experience and student culture interact with Turkish higher education
  • Know the educational and career opportunities of Turkish higher education
  • Understand the internationalization process of Turkish higher education
  • Evaluate information from a scholarly publication and produce a brief written reflection
  • Understand the science and research domains of Turkish higher education
  • Understand the constructs of quality and quality assurance in Turkish higher education
  • Understand the financial functioning and economic basis of Turkish higher education
  • Develop awareness on the ethical practices in Turkish higher education
  • Design and present a research plan based on one of the Turkish higher education concepts

Course Content

This course is designed for students to develop a basic understanding of Turkish higher education system as prospective higher education professionals. Specifically, it aims to increase undergraduate students? understanding of fundamental concepts related to higher education such as history, organization and governance, sociology, economy, internationalization, career, laws, science and research, campus life and student body, ethics, and technology. Students analyze and synthesize information from scholarly publications on higher education and apply what they have learned in output activities. Students also write short critical reflections on these scholarly publications. They finally present a future research plan at the end of the course.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to…

  • describe major historical events in Turkish higher education
  • sketch/explain how Turkish higher education is organized and governed
  • create and disseminate a slogan that addresses a particular construct in the sociology of higher education
  • write a draft plan for establishing a higher education student club
  • sketch and present a career plan in the field of higher education 
  • express opinions clearly, and ask/respond to questions with an international student/scholar regarding current issues in the internationalization of higher education
  • analyze a publication and write a short critique about it
  • create a personal/group ranking of Turkish higher education institutions based on select criteria
  • compile a short quality assurance guideline for Turkish higher education
  • present/defend ideas in a debate/Socratic seminar regarding the economics of higher education
  • prioritize and provide a solution for an unethical practice in higher education
  • deliver a group presentation about a research plan based on one of the Turkish higher education concepts