Course Code:4600487
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (2.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:4.0
Department:Mathematics and Science Education
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course the students will learn,

basic concepts related to environemntal science

basics of the environemntal problems related to water, solid waste, climate change

ecological footprint, water footprint, carbon footprint.   


Course Content

The goals set for the course are; teach key concepts related to environmental science, develop awareness on the human impact on the environment; teach components of the environment and their interactions, population increase, consumption, production, ecological footprint, reasons and results of water, air pollution and solid waste.

Course Learning Outcomes

After passing this course, students will be able to define and aware of,

Reasons and results of water and solid waste problem 

Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and Climate change

Footprint and Environental deficit