Course Code:5630508
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:Chemical Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

This course will contribute the students’ literacy on the surface science. At the end of this course the students will be able to

  • read, understand and interpret the existing literature on fundamentals of catalysis
  • understand surface crystal structure and its relation to bulk crystal structure
  • understand how surface reactions are related to the geometric and electronic structures of surfaces
  • gain a basic understanding of surface thermodynamics and how it is related to the final properties of the catalyst surface.
  • become acquainted with advanced direct surface characterization techniques
    • microscopy and imaging, LEED
    • X ray techniques: XRD, XAS,
    • Photoelectron Spectroscopies, XPS UPS, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, 
    • Vibrational spectroscopies such as Raman Spectroscopy, IR, EELS 
    • Magnetic resonance techniques such as NMR, ESR 
  • get acquainted with advanced indirect surface characterization techniques that involve adsorption and/or reaction of a gas phase species such as NMR, TPD, TPR, FTIR and Adsorption Calorimetry.
  • relate all the information acquired in the first ¾ of the course to the catalysis on the surfaces

Course Content

Concepts of catalytic surface reactivity and tools to investigate catalytic surfaces. Structures and structural characterizations of single crystal surfaces and powder catalysts. Spectroscopic surface characterization techniques. Techniques that involve adsorption of a species for surface characterization. Surface thermodynamics. Dynamics at the surfaces. Surface electronic properties. Catalysis on the surfaces of single crystals.

Course Learning Outcomes

A student completing the course successfully will be able to

  • Relate
    • the structure of the catalytic material in the bulk to its surface
    • The surface to its chemical reactivity
  • Select the analytical technique to answer the particular question in catalysis
  • Interpret the data in at least one  surface specific technique
  • Relate catalyst to the catalytic reaction and hence design a catalyst starting from the elementary metals and supports. 

Program Outcomes Matrix

#Program OutcomesNoYes
1Acquire knowledge in depth and breadth via scientific research in their field; evaluate, interpret and apply this knowledge.
2Are thoroughly informed about current techniques and methods of engineering, and their limitations.
3Complement and apply uncertain, limited or incomplete knowledge using scientific methods; are capable of integrating knowledge from different disciplines.
4Are aware of the new and developing applications of their profession; can study and learn about these applications when necessary.
5Can define and formulate problems relevant to their field, develop solutions to solve these problems and employ innovative methods for these solutions.
6Develop new and/or original ideas and methods; design complex processes and develop innovative/alternative solutions in design.
7Design and apply theoretical, experimental and model-based research; analyze and resolve complex problems that arise during this process.
8Can effectively function within intra- and interdisciplinary teams, can lead such teams and formulate solution approaches under complex situations; can work independently and assume responsibility.
9Can communicate verbally or in written form in a non-native language, at least at level B2 of the European Language Portfolio.
10Can communicate the progress and results of their studies systematically and clearly in oral or written form, in national or international forums related to their area or others.
11Are informed and aware of the limitations of social, environmental, health and safety-related and legal dimensions on engineering applications.
12Uphold social, scientific and ethical values in acquisition, interpretation and communication of data and in all activities related to their profession.