Course Code:3710441
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:7.5
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Assoc.Prof.Dr. V.DOĞU ERDENER
Offered Semester:Fall or Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

Throughout the undergraduate psychology education students take various courses on main and important theories of personality and psychotherapy. Although students are familiar with those theories theoretically, they may lack any information about the application of these approaches onto the cases. Therefore, this course intends to help students study and therefore understand how main theories of psychotherapy can be applied to the cases. The course targets to teach the focal theoretical issues via cases together with helping students to study case formulation based on different approaches. The students are expected to learn to derive basic terminology and the basic concepts of a specific approach, from a presented case.

Course Content

Survey of different schools of psychotherapy. Review of psychotherapy research, critique and ethical standards for therapists.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will learn different psychotherapy theories in a deeper and more application-focused way.

Students will learn basic concepts on the application on these theories of psychotherapy.

Students will study how to look a certain case and what to see there by using a certain approach.

Students will practice evaluating cases based on a specific psychotherapy theory.

Students will improve their understanding and skills by interactively discussing ideas and sharing their understanding within a safe classroom environment that is enriched with variety of students.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Solid background in basic theories and approaches in psychology
2Skills to follow both national and international publications and developments in the discipline and to obtain and interpret new information in the light of acquired theoretical knowledge
3Awareness of the value of continuing educational practices such as in-service trainings, seminars, and conferences to keep career-relevant knowledge and skills up-to-date
4Skills to conduct research based on basic knowledge related to testing and measurement, research methods, and statistics as well as the ability to present and disseminate research findings both orally and in writing
5Knowledge and skills about conducting research and practice by adhering to ethical guidelines
6Skills in oral and written communication both in Turkish and English as well as preferably learning a third language
7Skills to work in teams that involve disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects
8Critical thinking skills in following the psychological literature together with the psychology-related information appearing in popular media
9Skills to generate practical and culture-sensitive solutions to problems
10Awareness of societal, environmental, and economic factors in professional practice and research
11Skills to lead and pioneer in the profession of psychology, either in academia or professional practice
12Skills in independent and team work

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution