Course Code:2400568
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Masters
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. MUSTAFA SOYKUT
Offered Semester:Fall or Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

To give the students an introduction to the main historical issues that have contemporary relevance in the Indian sub-continent. In doing so, also to give the students of social sciences a firm grasp in the culture and history of the sub-continent, which is one of the most important focus points of changing world trade and political order in 21st century. In addition, another aim of this course is to familiarize students with the terminology that they will encounter when dealing with the history of India. 

Course Content

This course gives the students the basic tenets of the history of the Indian subcontinent from the perspective of political, civilizational and especially of, religious history.

Course Learning Outcomes

This course has been designed to give the graduate students a general perspective on history of the Indian sub-continent in a thematical way in order to understand the profound historical dynamics shaping the minds of the contemporary policy-makers of the sub-continent. Another important contribution of the course will be to provide students with a historical and cultural understanding of the Hindu-Muslim conflict that has periodically been occurringin India. Ultimately, the student gains a thorough familiarity with the Indian sub-continent and is able to contextualize it within the world history at large.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Demonstrate competence in their chosen fields of study including the sources and the historiography relevant to it
2Construct arguments based on developed research skills that enable them to access, analyze, synthesize and evaluate primary, secondary and tertiary sources efficiently
3Disseminate and communicate research findings effectively in oral and written form
4Develop the ability to work cooperatively on investigation of an area of historical inquiry and to share own findings with co-researchers
5Conduct research in Ottoman archives and other national and international research institutions
6Have a command of language skills necessary for their research
7Act in accordance with a universal understanding of academic ethics
8Contribute to society through a sense of personal responsibility and awareness for social issues

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution