Course Code:2380409
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Assoc.Prof.Dr. ERKAN KİRİŞ
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

1. Present the milestones in the history of neurobiology.

2. Briefly describe how nervous system is organized.

3. Provide in depth knowledge on the cellular and molecular aspects of the neuronal cells, including signaling within neurons and across synapses.

4. Discuss Memory, Learning, and Synaptic Plasticity

5. Provide an overview of known molecular mechanisms underlying various brain disorders.

6. Outline experimental models in neurobiology research, including animal models, molecular and genetic techniques, as well as behavioral analyses.  

7. Provide an overview of stem cell based methodologies in neurobiology

Course Content

an introductory course presenting short history of neuroscience, and basic conceptual and experimental approaches to studies in different areas of neurobiology including macro and microanatomy of the mammalian central nervous system, cellular and molecular neurobiology, electrophysiology, neural networks operation, and animal behavior. The course will also cover some issues related to developmental and adult neural plasticity, and aging of the brain.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Describe cell types present in the nervous system.

2. Define cell, biological and electrical propeties of neurons.

3. Describe how neurotransmission takes places at synapses.

4. Describe mechanisms controlling motor and regulatory systems.

5. Describe memory, learning and synaptic plasticity processes.

6. Understand the known molecular neurobiology of neurodegenerative, psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.

7. Describe key research models in neuroscience, including behavioral analyses, animal models and genetic and molecular tecniques.

8. Understand the recent advances in stem cell based methodologies in the context of neurobiology and neurodegenerative disease research.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Perform basic laboratory and field techniques/approaches used in various branches of biology.
2Understand and apply principles of laboratory and field safety.
3Understand the inner workings of the scientific processes, think critically, and frame questions using experimental and theoretical approaches in biology.
4Proficiency in communicating issues in both English and Turkish.
5Read, and understand scientific communications from primary literature in biology.
6Identify and explain issues in biological sciences.
7Be ready to take new theoretical and technological challenges by recognizing the value and act upon the need for lifelong learning.
8Work as an individual, as well as a team member, and assume leadship when needed.
9Follow the rules of scientific ethics within their careers and professions.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution