Course Code:2320428
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. AYŞE NUR SAKTANBER
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to study on the subject of city culture in the global world within a framework of  interdisciplinary approach and develop some field methods and put them in application in order to enable students to explore different aspects of the city culture that they live in.


Exploration of the cultures of cities requires to ask a series of questions: How do cities use culture? Who plays a leading role in the formation of cities’ cultures? Who controls the “symbolic economy” of the cities as Zukin (1994) uses the term? Who really occupy the central spaces of cities? Which components of a city life are essential for the formation of city cultures? How does the history of a city play a role in the formation of its current cultural characteristics? How are the city cultures embodied by its inhabitants and which inhabitants embody which characteristics of  city cultures? In short how the cultures of cities are produced, consumed and reproduced by whom? And finally how all these questions can be applied to Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

Course Content

City Culture in the global world with an interdisciplinary world with an interdisciplinary approach: field methods and their application on different aspects of the city culture throughout different socio-economic and political periods; Ankara as the capital of Turkey and city culture in Ankara and Turkish modernization.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Students will trace the changing sociological patterns of city culture in the global world.

2. Students will identify different aspects of the city culture that they live in. 

3. Students will make sense of the city culture of Ankara throughout the different socio-economic and political periods, including the current one.

4. Students will analyse the city culture of Ankara as being the capital of Turkey and once the ideal city of Turkish national modernization.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1To correlate sociology and other social sciences
2To interpret knowledge produced by society from a sociological perspective
3To renew and improve their accumulation by following up-to-date publications and research programs in their fields
4To be open to occupational novelties in order to understand social change
5To produce original solutions within and outside the discipline and in interdisciplinary levels
6To know and implement the ethics of sociological research
7To be aware of social, environmental, and economic effects in the areas where sociological approaches are appropriated
8To use and transfer the accumulation of sociological knowledge in an interdisciplinary way
9To understand social structures and dynamics by correlating the past, the present and the future
10To connect social theories of knowledge and social practices

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution