Course Code:5690351
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:5.0
Department:Mechanical Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. ALMILA GÜVENÇ YAZICIOĞLU
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the student will learn

  • basic concepts of the thermodynamics,
  • how to evaluate thermo physical properties of the substances,
  • several forms of work and heat,
  • conservation of energy for the control mass and control volume processes,
  • qualitatively the limits of the performance of thermal engines,
  • to predict the direction of the processes and understand impossibility of the some processes.

Course Content

Conservation of energy. Conservation of mass. Work and heat. First law of thermodynamics. Properties and processes of ideal gases. Second law of thermodynamics. Compressors, internal combustion engines. Properties of steam. Heat exchangers. Steam power plants, nuclear energy power plants. Pumps and fans. Refrigeration. (Offered to non-ME students only).

Course Learning Outcomes

The students will gain

  • Ability to identify thermodynamic equilibrium state and understand the basic differences between thermodynamics and heat transfer, fluid mechanics courses.
  • Habit of correct use of units.
  • Ability to differentiate system and control volume processes.
  • Understanding of usage of thermodynamic tables.
  • Ability to identify the limits of the ideal gas assumption.
  • Ability to differentiate qualitatively heat and work.
  • Ability to calculate work.
  • Ability to appreciate the energy conversion.
  • Ability to differentiate unsteady and steady flow applications.
  • Ability to analyze different steady flow devices.
  • Ability to analyze the heat engines and calculate thermal efficiency.
  • Ability to analyze the refrigerators, heat pumps and calculate coefficient of performance.
  • Ability to construct ideal cycles applying reversible processes.
  • Ability to spot the source of irreversibility.
  • Ability to differentiate ideal engine and actual one.
  • Ability to appreciate a new property, entropy, not a directly measurable one but indicating the direction of the process.
  • Ability to find isentropic efficiency.
  • Ability to derive some thermodynamical relations using entropy concept.

Program Outcomes Matrix

#Program OutcomesNoYes
1Ability to establish the relationship between mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences with engineering applications.
2Ability to find and interpret information
3Ability to follow the literature and technology related to his/her topic of interest
4Recognition of the need to keep oneself up to date in his/her profession
5Possession of written and oral communication skills
6Ability to conduct team work (within the discipline, inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary)
7Ability to produce original solutions
8Use of scientific methodology in approaching and producing solutions to engineering problems and needs
9Openness to all that is new
10Ability to conduct experiments
11Ability to do engineering design
12Awareness of engineering ethics, knowledge and adoption of its fundamental elements
13Ability to take societal, environmental and economical considerations into account in professional activities
14Possession of pioneering and leadership characteristics in areas related to the profession