Course Code:5690117
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (2.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:5.0
Department:Mechanical Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Lecturer NİYAZİ ERSAN GÜRKAN
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to give basic principles of engineering drawing and conventions of engineering graphical communication to the student with the aid of a computer software.

Details are here:

Course Content

Introduction to CAD and 2D drawing techniques. 2D drawing techniques. Hand sketching techniques. Orthographic projection. 3D solid modeling (extrude, cut, drill, revolve, loft ,inclined and oblique surfaces, holets, edit, inclined and oblique surfaces, holes, unite ). Layout generation and auxiliary views. Principles of sectioning (full, half, broken-out, rotated, ribs, webs, alignment). Dimensioning. GD&T (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing). Assembly and machine elements (bolts, nuts, other threaded elements, gears, cams, locking devices ). Assemblies and working drawings. Surface developments.

Course Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

  •  Draw two-dimensional sketches,
  •  Create solid models of objects in basic shapes, composite bodies, custom built machine parts, building modules,
  • Draw the orthographic views of an object,
  • Dimension the views, show some annotations, provide the size tolerance of functional features, and general tolerances,
  • Explain and interpret the dimensions and the associated tolerances,
  • Create auxiliary views, revolved views, sectional views,
  • Acquire the ability to draw and read the standard drawings of common machine elements and assembly drawings,
  • Create necessary layouts of assembly drawings 

Program Outcomes Matrix

#Program OutcomesNoYes
1Ability to establish the relationship between mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences with engineering applications.
2Ability to find and interpret information
3Ability to follow the literature and technology related to his/her topic of interest
4Recognition of the need to keep oneself up to date in his/her profession
5Possession of written and oral communication skills
6Ability to conduct team work (within the discipline, inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary)
7Ability to produce original solutions
8Use of scientific methodology in approaching and producing solutions to engineering problems and needs
9Openness to all that is new
10Ability to conduct experiments
11Ability to do engineering design
12Awareness of engineering ethics, knowledge and adoption of its fundamental elements
13Ability to take societal, environmental and economical considerations into account in professional activities
14Possession of pioneering and leadership characteristics in areas related to the profession