Course Code:8550501
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):8 (4.00 - 8.00)
ECTS Credit:16.0
Department:Urban Design
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. OLGU ÇALIŞKAN
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

The objective is to convey the students with a series of theoretical and practical frameworks in the endeavor of city building. Since the field itself is multidisciplinary, students from different backgrounds are accepted to the Urban Design Masters' program. Therefore, the aim here is to create a medium where students of different backgrounds can enhance communication under the umbrella of a common design language and with the use of this language to formulate problems and arrive at solutions within the limits of assigned problems. A problem in this sense might be related to the design of an entire settlement or any component of it.

Course Content

Concentrates on developing theoretical and analytical studies about the topics undertaken in any academic year. The objective is to generate new frameworks, languages and techniques at the macro, meso and micro scale urban form, identity and activity studies and to enhance students’ skills and knowledge in managing the design of the city or its parts through financial and legal tools.
Prerequisite for UD 502: UD 501

Course Learning Outcomes

The students are expected to:

1) To develop their abilities to work with others

2) To improve their skills in graphical communication

3) To enhance their understanding of common interest

4) To improve their inventory in finding solutions to spatial problems in micro, meso and macro scales

5) To develop a design perspective which can be useful in challenging and tackling with urban spatial issues

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1They should act with social responsibility and on behalf of public interest while designing for the components of the city and the city proper,
2They should be able to follow the theoretical and practical developments related to the field, thus sustaining a high level of sustained vocational competency,
3They should have an in depth knowledge about the world examples of urban design and to develop ideas as to their application under local conditions of the country,
4They should be able to work individually in independent tasks as well as being able to partake in group work and lead it: 1) They should be endowed with the basic theoretical knowledge and improve them in time, 2) They should have the ability to integrate theory and practice, 3) They should be able to use methods and techniques pertaining to problem identification, critical approach and analysis,
51) They should master the vocational terminology; and 2) They should be able to convey their original works, with the use of Turkish, English and other languages,
6They should have the skills to design and manage various kinds of processes.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution