Course Code:2320102
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):4 (4.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. HEDİYE SİBEL KALAYCIOĞLU
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

This course will help the students to be able to have a vision  about  "what is sociology?" and " what are the origins of this disipline?". All students are expected to obtain  basic  understanding  about 

- " what are the major perspectives in the classical period?", 

-" what are contemporary perpspectives and theories?" ,

- "what is major principles of methods and research in Sociolology? 

-   Explanations about the concept  "Culture and Socialization"

-  Social Inequalities

- Gender 

-Family and Households. 

Also students are expected to gain insignt about how to question "common sense" and to differentiate it from "sociological knowledge". 

- acquiring some skills about how to write short essays to predetermined questions. 

Course Content

An introduction to the analysis of key social institutions and key changes; organizations, state and politics, education, urbanization, population growth, social movements, and globalization. Taught from a comparative perspective drawing examples from Turkey and different parts of the world.

Course Learning Outcomes

students who passes the course successfully are expected to be able 

-to identfy the significance of Sociology as a scientific discipline

- to identfy basic theoritical concepts in relation to different perspectives

- to explain   theoritical perspectives in a contextual background

- to formulate sociological problematics for research 

- to integrate theory with  practice 


Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1To correlate sociology and other social sciences
2To interpret knowledge produced by society from a sociological perspective
3To renew and improve their accumulation by following up-to-date publications and research programs in their fields
4To be open to occupational novelties in order to understand social change
5To produce original solutions within and outside the discipline and in interdisciplinary levels
6To know and implement the ethics of sociological research
7To be aware of social, environmental, and economic effects in the areas where sociological approaches are appropriated
8To use and transfer the accumulation of sociological knowledge in an interdisciplinary way
9To understand social structures and dynamics by correlating the past, the present and the future
10To connect social theories of knowledge and social practices

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution