Course Code:4531170
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:5.0
Department:Physical Education and Sports
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

1)            Define the principles of motor development and apply them to the learning and

teaching of motor skills.

2)            Explain the basic movements of infancy.

3)            Identify and assess the movement characteristics of children’s fundamental motor skills using the total body approach.

4)            Discuss changes in motor skill development across the lifespan.

5)           Identify the interaction between the social and cognitive domains and the motor

domain from a dynamic systems perspective.

5)            Describe the physical growth of an individual from prenatal to adolescence.         

6)            Interpret the impact of physical growth, biological maturity and physical activity on the

               motor performance of young children & adolescents.

7)           Understand childhood perception and perceptual-motor development.

8)            Discuss the association between motor development and physical activity.

9)           Identify the assessment tools for the motor skills

10)        Debate and critique current trends and issues in motor development research for Turkey and other countries.

12)        Use all kinds of technologies for preparing classroom presentations and research projects.

13)        Work independently and work in a team during the classroom activities.

14)        Demonstrate professionalism and utilize communication skills during the class period. 


Course Content

This course includes age-related changes in motor behaviors, similarities and differences between individuals, concepts, principles, factors affecting motor development, theoretical approaches, the relationship between physical development, perceptual motor abilities and self-concept, and evaluation of motor behaviors in children.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students, who passed the course satisfactorily will be able to discuss the principles of motor development across the life span.