Course Code: | 6060203 |
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): | 4 (4.00 - 1.00) |
ECTS Credit: | 6.0 |
Department: | Modern Languages (Italian) |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Level of Study: | Undergraduate |
Course Coordinator: | Lecturer ALESSANDRA NİCOLOS DÖNMEZ |
Offered Semester: | Fall Semesters. |
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students will :
- communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple exchange of information
- be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance
- describe in simple terms aspects of his background , immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need
- communicate effectively in Italian in everyday situations
- read simplified-authentic texts from Italian culture
- understand and participate in simple real life conversations
- write simple sentences and questions, compound sentences and questions, dialogs and paragraphs
- understand and use the most important grammar structure in Italian
Course Content
An intermediate level course in spoken and written Italian.
Course Learning Outcomes
This is the third course in the basic Italian language sequence
The objectives of the course are to develop low intermediate skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening with the help of the introduction of new grammar structures. The primary goals are to build communicative competence and enhance social and cultural awareness in Italian.
Students will learn how to :
- order at the restaurant
- express preferences
- speak about vocabulary of Italian dishes and drinks and how to make comparison between Italian typical recipes
- talk about past situation
- give a physical and personality description of someone and making comparisons
- describe food and eating habits
- talk about health condition
- ask and give information about medicines
- get an appointment with a doctor
- say the part of the body
- talk about future actions
- talk about habitual actions in the past
- talk about books, music and movies
- talk about leisure time and how often to do something
- describe personality and character of people in the past
- tell about personal experiences
Students will study:
- partitive articles (some, any)
- adverbs of frequency (spesso, mai, sempre, qualche volta).
- imperative
- use of pronouns with imperative tense
- imperfect tense
- differences between passato prossimo and imperfetto
- irregulars nouns in -cia, -gia
- indefinite adjectives: qualche, qualcuno, qualcosa, nessuno
- comparatives and superlatives
- use of adverb of time with passato prossimo (sempre, ancora, già)
- use of “ne” as a partitive pronoun
- present conditional
- impersonal verbs (piovere, nevicare);
- adverbs in -mente
- future tense
- difference between future and present simple
- some irregular verbs