Course Code:1250506
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (2.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:Industrial Design
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:Assoc.Prof.Dr. NAZ AYŞE GÜZİDE Z. BÖREKÇİ
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to offer graduate students an understanding of the methodological nature of the design process. By the end of the course it is expected that the students:

  • know about the emergence of design methods in the field of industrial design, their development and application as generative resources;

  • relate how design methods have formed the basis of many domain-specific discussions leading to a common understanding of design;

  • demonstrate ability in discussing the boundaries of the design process, the nature of the design activity and the role of the designer;

  • understand the usage of design methods within the design process carried out for the development of a design solution;

  • identify the individual strategies that they use throughout the various stages of the design process, for an awareness of own design approach and skills;

  • recognise the need for and are able to formulate further methods and models that may contribute to the discipline, in terms of theory and practice.

Course Content

A survey on design methods developed and employed in the field; definitions of design and design methodology from various perspectives; emergence of industrial design as a profession; theoretical and practical implications of early and recent design methods; models for structuring the design process; discussions on the nature of the act of design and the role of the designer.

Course Learning Outcomes

The expected learning outcomes from the course are:

  • The students discuss, compare and evaluate design methods in terms of the related theory and practice.

  • The students bring together a composition of design methods appropriate to the design process they conduct and to the design problem in hand.

  • The students employ effectively the design methods carried out in class, and assess their reflections on the design outcomes.

  • The students interpret the method, and adapt the techniques used for the method according to the design situation.

  • The students describe and justify their design strategies, tactics and decisions.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Identifying research areas in distinct and contemporary topics and formulating research problems;
2Being competent in the research process, process planning, managing, analyzing data, and correctly interpreting findings;
3Transforming knowledge in the field and research results into strategies, politics, methods and/or decisions;
4Transferring research findings into design education and practice;
5Disseminating generated knowledge, making publications and presenting them;
6Having general knowledge in the field of design, having covered the literature and developing expertise in specific topics;
7Having responsibility towards own research, respecting and practicing research ethics;
8Having work discipline and skills in time planning;
9Having skills in oral, written and visual communication;
10Open to continuous education and self-development, having high professional motivation;
11Open and willing to share knowledge and skills with stakeholders;
12Being critical, able to make self-criticism, reflecting objective and unprejudiced thinking into their own work;
13Synthesising knowledge from different disciplines to use in one?s own field and using it for generating new knowledge.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution