Course Code:1210402
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):6 (4.00 - 4.00)
ECTS Credit:10.0
Department:City and Regional Planning
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. OSMAN BALABAN
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

This fourth year studio course aims students to develop their understanding and skills of analysis of planning and development issues of metropolitan areas/city regions from regional to local levels, leading to the preparation of strategic plans for study areas.

Course Content

CRP402 is a must planning studio course for fourth-year undergraduate students in the department of City and Regional Planning. The course primarily aims to prepare senior students for their professional activities after graduation. To this aim, the course is designed accordingly to develop the students understanding and skills to assess and manage the planning and development issues of metropolitan areas and city regions. The planning exercises and assignments of the course ranges from district scale to neighbourhood and Iower scales, leading to the preparation of master and implementation development plans, urban design projects and thematic studies for case study areas. The instructional methods of the course include lectures, project-based, problem-based and/or inquiry-based learning exercises, exhibitions, case studies, pairwork or individual studies, brainstorming, questioning discussion, concept mapping and field trips.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this studio course are expected to be able to analyse problems and development issues at the sectoral level (such as housing, transportation, industry, social and physical infrastructure), make projections for the future needs, and prepare strategic/large scale spatial development plans for the metropolitan area/city region. 

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Knowledge and internalization of the concepts of social responsibility and public interest
2Giving priority to these concepts in planning and practice
3Commitment to professional ethics and values
4Capacity to independently carry out individual tasks and studies
5Ability to work as a responsible team member as well as a leader in team works
6Professional competency to carry out plans and projects with the utmost quality
7In the fields of planning and design: * Knowledge of planning theories * Ability to integrate theory and practice * Competency in problem definition, critical approach, and usage of analysis methods and techniques * Skills of inter-disciplinary and multi-dimensional thinking, analysis, synthesis, implementation, and development of alternative plans and design solutions
8In both Turkish and English: * Knowledge of professional terminology * Ability to carry out and present original studies * Skills of expressing oneself
9Lifelong learning skills and attributes
10Competency in process design and management

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution