Course Code:3550351
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Computer Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. YELİZ YEŞİLADA
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to provide students with:

1)  an overview of database management system architectures and environments,

2) an understanding of basic database design and implementation techniques,

3) a practical experience of designing and building a relational database.

Course Content

Sequential files. Unordered sequential files. Ordered sequential files. External sorting. Heap sort. Replacement selection sort. Large memory sorting. B+tree index. Hashing. Classical hashing. Linear hashing. Introduction to DBMSs. Relational databases. Relational query languages. Relational algebra. Relational calculus. SQL. QBE.QUEL. Implementing the join operation. Entity-Relationship data model.

Course Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

1) Analyze application requirements, and discuss the difference between file management and databases;

2) Design a database conceptually by using Extended Entity Relationship modelling;

3) Translate a conceptual model to a relational model by practicing normalisation;

4) Develop and implement queries for relational databases using SQL;

5) Examine basic file structures and indexes.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Employ knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to formulate solution to real life computing problems
2Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze, evaluate and interpret data
3Design systems, components, and/or processes by specifying the requirements and determining the realistic constraints such as ethical and environmental
4Judge professional and ethical principles and integrate them in the working environment
5Have the ability to communicate effectively
6Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution