Course Code:3160112
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Business Administration (International Joint Program)
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Assoc.Prof.Dr. ÇAĞRI TOPAL
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Course Specific Skills:

1. understand that it is relations not entities that construct society.

2. grow a sociological approach towards the key social dimensions (e.g. power, change, production).

3. see connections between and among seemingly disconnected facts.

Discipline Specific Skills:

4. develop a sense of how society works (and does not work).          

5. comprehend that a social fact is always negotiable.

6. adopt a contextual look at the social.

Personal and Key Skills:

7. imagine different ways of picturing society and social relations.

8. develop a reflexive understanding of their selves and their environment.

9. sense the complexity of the so-called everyday life.

Course Content

Sociology as a disciple expanded its scope of application through business related disciplines and professions. This course is designed on this rationale and aims to assist its prospective participants in developing a sociological imagination by which they can approach various phenomena such as class family , gender and religion in business related disciplines or professions.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Specific Skills:

1. understand that it is relations not entities that construct society.

2. grow a sociological approach towards the key social dimensions (e.g. power, change, production).

3. see connections between and among seemingly disconnected facts.

Discipline Specific Skills:

4. develop a sense of how society works (and does not work).          

5. comprehend that a social fact is always negotiable.

6. adopt a contextual look at the social.

Personal and Key Skills:

7. imagine different ways of picturing society and social relations.

8. develop a reflexive understanding of their selves and their environment.

9. sense the complexity of the so-called everyday life.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1They are knowledgeable in the areas of professional ethics and responsibility.
2They are capable of utilizing their knowledge and skills efficiently in global and multicultural contexts.
3They are knowledgeable in the issues of environment, social responsibility, social justice, quality and cultural values.
4They have a creative, innovative and critical perspective.
5They attain advanced level of knowledge in the functional areas of business administration such as strategic management, marketing, accounting, finance, organization management, human resources, and operations management.
6They are capable of identifying and analyzing legal, environmental and social factors, which influence the basic functional areas of the business administration.
7They understand and implement rational, systematic and scientific approaches effectively in problem solving and decision-making processes.
8They are capable of applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating the knowledge they have in diverse fields efficiently.
9They are capable of transferring information by using efficient verbal and written communication techniques.
10They are capable of performing professional communication effectively also in English.
11They know the methods of performing efficient teamwork.
12They are capable of following the contemporary techniques, scientific and technological developments in their fields and are able to conduct research and studies in order to develop their business administration related knowledge, skills, and competences.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution