Course Code:2300562
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Once in several years.

Course Objectives

Historical review of plasma physics. Characteristic plasma parameters. Debye shielding. Quasy-neutrality. Plasma and cyclotron frequencies. Collisional processes in plasma. Collisional frequency. Magnetohydrodynamics: basic equations. Instability of plasma systems. Plasma waves. Plasma diagnostics: temperature and density measurements. Types of plasma and use: artificialy produced plasmas, terrestrial plasmas, plasmas in universe.

Course Content

The basic equations and conservation laws; first order orbit theory; adiabatic invariants; ideal MHD model; plasma equilibrium and stability; energy principle; plasma waves; waves-particle interaction; wave-wave interaction; weak turbulence theory.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing the plasma physics course the students  should be able to

- define plasma state, give examples of different kinds of plasma and explain the parameters characterizing them

- analyze the motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields

- explain the concept of quasineutrality and describe plasma interaction with surfaces

- formulate kinetic and fluid descriptions of plasma, and understand the applicability of the appropriate approximations (ideal MHD, single fluid description, many fluid model).

- discuss plasma resistivity and diffusion in plasma based on the charged particle motion

- linearize equations describing plasma and derive differential equations for various types of waves in plasma and their dispersion relation

- explain the properties of the most important wave modes in plasma: dispersion relation, polarization and motion of the charged particles

-  explain  the theory of electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma

- explain the concept of plasma instability, and analyze the instabilities based on the dispersion relation

- make estimates of various parameters in plasmas

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1They are competent in the fundamentals of Physics and in the subfield of their thesis work.
2They have necessary skills (literature search, experiment design, project design, etc.) for doing research with guidance of a more experienced researcher.
3They can communicate research results in a proper format (journal article, conference presentation, project report etc.)
4They can learn necessary skills and techniques (theoretical, experimental, computational etc.) on their own.
5They have necessary skills to work as team member in a research group.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution