Course Code:2300527
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Once in several years.

Course Objectives

Understand basic laws and phenomena in the area of Photonics, with emphasis in Optoelectronics and Lasers

Understand the behavior of light from different sources in various media

Understans the wave and particle nature of light and how it applied to detection techniques

Understand the non-linear nature of laser light and how it is utilized in various industrial applications

Course Content

Principles of quantum optics; optoelectronic materials; rare-earth-doped silica fiber lasers; cw performance of fiber optics; Q-switching of optical fiber lasers; digital optics; atmospheric and intersattelite optical communications; thermal imaging; ring laser gyro.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Explain fundamental interactions between light and materials

2. Understand the fundamental properties of light which shape optoelectronic systems

3. Understand different types of lasers and how they are implemeted

4. Understand limits of optical detection as a function of light frequency 

5. Understand the non-linear nature of light-matter interactions and its consequences

6. Have a clear-understanding and knowledge of real-world examples for all fundamental physics intercations and outcomes taught

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1They are competent in the fundamentals of Physics and in the subfield of their thesis work.
2They have necessary skills (literature search, experiment design, project design, etc.) for doing research with guidance of a more experienced researcher.
3They can communicate research results in a proper format (journal article, conference presentation, project report etc.)
4They can learn necessary skills and techniques (theoretical, experimental, computational etc.) on their own.
5They have necessary skills to work as team member in a research group.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution