Course Code:4530664
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:Physical Education and Sports
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:PhD
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. MEHMET SETTAR KOÇAK
Offered Semester:Fall or Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

  • To develop and extend the knowledge and skills of the theory and principles of public relations and fundraising.
  • To understand the public relations and fundraising process in practice in the context of sport and other non-profit organizations.
  • To develop strategic planning and management principles as these apply to specific public relations and fundraising contexts (campaigns, special events, etc.).
  • To acquire a perspective for critical thinking, diversity and change by comparing and contrasting different cases of public relations and fundraising in the sport setting and other non-profit organization.
  • To offer data-driven solutions to problems by learning several examples of public relations and fundraising techniques, and strategies.
  • To contribute the knowledge in interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary groups and international literature by analysing selected public relations and fundraising cases in Turkey and worldwide.
  • To offer solutions to financial management in Turkey’s sport industry by understanding, and analysing the donor’s behaviour and how to reach them by public relations campaign.
  • To design a public relations or fundraising proposal for a sport or non-profit organizations.
  • To utilize communication skills by using all kinds of technologies to prepare classroom presentations. 

Course Content

This course is designed to prepare and update prospective sport managers and leaders with regard to fund raising approaches and strategies. Upon completing the course, a student will have a sound grasp of the principles and practice of fund raising and will be able to work effectively in a variety of sport institutions and related non-profit organizations both as a staff member and as an independent consultant.

Course Learning Outcomes