Course Code:5650510
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:Mining Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. NACİ EMRE ALTUN
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

1. Know new practices in unit operations in mineral processing.

2. .Be familiarized with industrial practices in different areas.

3. Contact professionals in industrial settings. 


Course Content

Selected mineral processing plants in Turkey. History of development, feasibility studies, flowsheets of the plants. Field trips to the plants sites; problems of industrially operated mineral processing plants.

Course Learning Outcomes

1.1. Observe new practices in comminution

1.2 Observe new practices in concentartion

1.3 Observe new practices in auxiliary operation

2.1 Be familiarized with industrial practices in mining related areas, such as ceramic, marble, etc..

2.2 Be familiarized with industrial practices in areas not directly realted to mining such as chemical, 

3.1 Contact professionals in mineral industries

3.2 Contact professionals in other industries. 

Program Outcomes Matrix

#Program OutcomesNoYes
1Graduates will have the ability to search for and reach knowledge in width and depth; analyze, interpret, advance, and use the knowledge obtained thereof.
2Graduates will be equipped to design and execute analytical, modelling and experimental research in order to interpret and solve problems encountered in mining engineering.
3Graduates will have the ability to develop innovative methods and employ them to solve problems in a multidisciplinary manner.
4Graduates will have the ability to effectively communicate, written or oral, the methods and the results of their work in national and international platforms.
5Graduates will, in depth, know the social, environmental, economic, and legal dimensions of their professional activities, execute their profession in accordance with sustainable mining practices.
6Graduates will adhere to the social, scientific, and ethical codes in collecting, interpreting and reporting data in all professional activities.
7Graduates will participate and/or be leaders in team works.
8Graduates will have expertise on advance information technologies in mining engineering.