Course Code:5690312
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:5.0
Department:Mechanical Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. ZAFER DURSUNKAYA
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course the students will

  • Solve convection heat transfer problems with phase change,
  • Perform thermal design and performance analysis of common types of heat exchangers,
  • Understand the physical nature of thermal radiation and its interaction with matter,
  • Be able to calculate radiation exchange between two or more surfaces,
  • Identify, formulate and solve problems involving mass transfer through analogy to corresponding modes of heat transfer,
  • Gain further hands-on experience in heat transfer experimentation through a number of laboratory tests.

Course Content

Boiling correlations, laminar and turbulent film condensation. Heat exchangers, LMTD and e-NTU methods. Physics of radiation, Kirchhoff`s law, spectral radiative properties. Solar radiation. View factors, blackbody radiation exchange, radiation circuits. Diffusion mass transfer, mass diffusion without chemical reaction, convective heat-mass transfer analogy.

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Solutions of boundary layer equations for laminar internal forced convection flows and using the results in heat transfer problems.

2. Solutions of boundary layer equations for laminar external free convection flows and using the results in heat transfer problems.

3. Ability to choose appropriate empirical correlations for laminar and turbulent free convection problems and to use them in heat transfer problems.

4. Ability to identify pool boiling regimes and to use correlations for nucleate and film pool boiling problems.

5. Ability to analyze laminar film condensation over a vertical plate and to use the results in problems.

6. Ability to choose an empirical correlation for film condensation and to use it in problems involving different geometries.

7. Knowledge of different types of heat exchangers in use.

8. Ability to calculate overall heat transfer coefficient, considering related thermal resistances.

9. Ability to make basic heat exchanger design analysis using LMTD method.

10. Ability to make basic heat exchanger performance analysis using ε-NTU method.

11. Knowledge of fundamental concepts of thermal radiation, with emphasis on its spectral behavior.

12. Ability to use blackbody radiation characteristics to represent an ideal surface.

13. Ability to use surface emission, absorption, reflection and transmission properties.

14. Ability to calculate view factors and to use relations between view factors.

15. Ability to calculate blackbody radiation exchange.

16. Ability to calculate radiation exchange between diffuse, gray surfaces in an enclosure.

17. Knowledge of diffusion coefficient and convective mass transfer coefficient concepts.

18. Ability to use diffusion and convection mass flux expressions in problems.

19. Ability to apply analogy between heat and mass transfer.

20. Ability to analyze mass transfer occurring at the water and atmospheric air interface.

21. Familiarity with temperature measuring and other instruments and to use them in experiments.

22. Ability to conduct the practical application of concepts and phenomena in the lectures.

23. Ability to present test results in a written report.

Program Outcomes Matrix

#Program OutcomesNoYes
1Ability to establish the relationship between mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences with engineering applications.
2Ability to find and interpret information
3Ability to follow the literature and technology related to his/her topic of interest
4Recognition of the need to keep oneself up to date in his/her profession
5Possession of written and oral communication skills
6Ability to conduct team work (within the discipline, inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary)
7Ability to produce original solutions
8Use of scientific methodology in approaching and producing solutions to engineering problems and needs
9Openness to all that is new
10Ability to conduct experiments
11Ability to do engineering design
12Awareness of engineering ethics, knowledge and adoption of its fundamental elements
13Ability to take societal, environmental and economical considerations into account in professional activities
14Possession of pioneering and leadership characteristics in areas related to the profession