ITAL202 ITALIAN 202 A1.2

Course Code:6060202
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):4 (4.00 - 1.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Modern Languages (Italian)
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Lecturer ALESSANDRA NİCOLOS DÖNMEZ
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students will

•communicate effectively in  Italian in simple everyday situations

•read simple real life texts

•understand basic real life conversations

• write simple one verb sentences and questions, short compound sentences and questions, simple dialogs and paragraphs

Course Content

A continuation of ITAL 201.

Course Learning Outcomes

This is the second course in the basic Italian language sequence.

The objectives of the course are to  continue developing basic communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Emphasis will be placed on vocabulary expansion, basic grammar acquisition and basic comprehension.


Students will learn how to

  • book a room in a hotel
  • use the vocabulary of hotel
  • talk about preferences
  • identify and describe articles of clothing
  • speak about colors, name of articles of clothing and vocabulary related to shopping
  • describe themselves, their jobs and their hobbies
  • talk about family and asking information about someone else family
  • speak about their daily life
  • speak about Italian school system
  • speak about their past memories and talk about past actions
  • write about past actions 
  • describe people
  • describe a place and talk about means of transport
  • ask and giving directions
  • ask and give timetable information

Students will study:

  • direct pronouns and indirect pronouns
  • past simple (passato prossimo); adverbs of time and past time expressions; some irregular past participle
  • Possessive adjectives with noun of family
  • numbers up to 1000
  • irregular noun in -co,-go, -ca, -ga
  • past simple of reflexive verbs
  • when to use “essere or avere” in the passato tense construction
  • relative pronoun: “che”.
  • past simple and direct pronouns
  • questo , quello (this and that)
  • the adjective ‘bello’ (beautiful)
  • present continuous (stare+gerundio