Course Code:2400474
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:5.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:- DENİZ DÖLEK SEVER
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The course is designed to present the development of aviation as a technological, economic, political and social phenomenon. The development of aviation from man’s earliest desire to fly to the leading edge technologies of today will be traced. The developments in the area of aeronautics, aerodynamics, power plants, navigation and avionics, and materials will be examined. The interaction of economic, administrative, political and social events with developments in aviation will be covered. The development of aviation in Turkey, which has been grossly neglected, will also be addressed.  Audio-visual means and historical aviation artifacts will be used extensively. The course aims at broadening the perspectives of the students to economic, managerial, political and social issues regarding aviation. The course is open to all departments and this will bring students from different disciplines together for a common interest. 

Course Content

This course is offered jointly with the Department of Aerospace Engineering). The birth of aviation. Lighter than air vehicles (balloons). Development of powered heavier than air vehicles (airplanes). Aviation as a sporting event. Use of aircraft in armed conflicts and its impact on military thinking. Commercial aviation. Development and advance of aeronautical sciences. Space flight. Impact of aviation on other technologies. Effect of aviation on social an economical life. Humane aspects of aviation.

Course Learning Outcomes

1) Students will learn factual historical background information regarding the developments and progress in the area of aerospace efforts.

2) Students will gain critical thinking approach when evaluating historical or current events.

3) Students will gain perspective to view and evaluate aerospace efforts in relation to science, engineering, technology, economics, politics and social events.

4) Students will gain insight regarding interaction of aerospace sciences with other engineering disciplines.

5) Students will gain insight regarding interaction of aerospace sciences with managerial disciplines

6) Students will gain insight regarding interaction of aerospace sciences with other social disciplines

7) Students will gain insight into the effectiveness of forming teams and working in teams with members from different disciplines when approaching problems that involve multidisciplinary variables.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1are familiar with general world historical periods and trends; demonstrate knowledge of key facts, ideas, societies, organizations, cultures, structures and processes related to a variety of historical contexts.
2are familiar with existing scholarly literature, historiography and historical methodology; and have developed the ability to approach them critically.
3are acquainted with interdisciplinary approaches.
4are able to generate research questions and conduct independent historical research by locating and analyzing primary and/or secondary sources; can construct viable arguments based on source interpretation.
5have developed sufficient English language skills; additionally, they have acquired the skill to read both printed texts and manuscripts in Ottoman Turkish.
6are able to present research results both in oral and written form.
7are able to work individually or as part of a team.
8are equipped with academic ethics.
9are aware of modern day issues and current events; have the skills and knowledge to generate informed opinions.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution