GERM206 GERMAN 206 B1.2

Course Code:6040206
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):4 (4.00 - 1.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Modern Languages (German)
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Lecturer Dr. GÖKÇE SERT
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

This course is based on a good knowledge of the previous two levels (A1 and A2) and competes and enlarges the knowledge and the ability in the usage of the German language. Emphasis will be placed on vocabulary expansion, grammar acquisition and comprehension. The student will have a good command of the fundamentals of German grammar and be in the position to participate in simple discussions and to understand simple texts, including the main points of short press articles. He/she consolidates and revises basic grammar structures and learns to discuss interesting topics.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • tell about misunderstandings, ask questions and ensure understanding

  • recommend something

  • write an application

  • express importance

  • respond to stories

  • retell a life story

  • discuss

  • give a presentation and ask questions

  • discuss rules

  • praise something

  • express wishes

  • summarize events

  • express consent

  • express agreement, ask questions and express indifference

  • express conviction

Course Content

This course encompasses more complex structures and communicative competencies in the German language. Students will gain the ability to express desires and intentions as well as temporal sequences. They will solidify their ability to communicate in every-day situations such as relationships, weather, family, and general orientation. The course also features more demanding texts for listening and reading comprehension.
The overall goal of the course is to develop students ability to master every-day situations in a German-speaking environment. The objectives of the course are to develop communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Course Learning Outcomes

After completion of this course the students will have finished the level B1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

This course concentrates on expanding reading, listening, writing and speaking skills, while revising and deepening more advanced aspects of German grammar. By the end of the course students will talk about:

  • Continuing education
  • Application
  • Memories and Relationships
  • Art
  • politics and society
  • Landscape and tourism
  • Events
  • History
  • Environment and climate
  • Future