FREN201 FRENCH 201 A1.1

Course Code:6030201
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):4 (4.00 - 1.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Modern Languages (French)
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Lecturer ÇELEBİ AKDAŞ
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

At this first level, the learner can understand very simple sentences of everyday life if one speaks slowly and clearly. He will be present, describe his work, his family,environment, talk about her tastes, habits, telling her memories. it may write a postcard. His skills allow him to answer simple and concrete needs.


Course Content

An introduction to basic spoken and written French.

Course Learning Outcomes

* Introduce

* Introducing someone

* Interview a person

* Describe people, places and things

* Self talk, his tastes, his leisure, his habits, his day

* Leave a message on an answering

* Provide brief details

* Make purchases

* Take an appointment, invite, accept and refuse an invitation

* Learn

* Speaking of holidays

* Talking about the weather

* Talking about projects

* Understand people who come

* Understand and write a message, a postcard

* Understand simple instructions

* Analyze information to make a choice: a menu, a film program of shows, tourist information


Linguistic Knowledge Grammar


* defined items, indefinite

* The interrogation, denial

* The gender of nouns, adjectives

* Possessive adjectives

* instead of prepositions

* Adverbs of frequency and quantity

* The reflexive verbs

* The present

* The tonic pronouns(I, you, he, she, we, they, them)




The alphabet, numbers, nationalities, countries, politeness, occupations, family, daily

activities, colors, clothing, objects, furniture, town, shops, transport, food, holidays,

holiday, weather, accommodation, city