Course Code:4500352
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):2 (1.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Foreign Language Education
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. PERİHAN SAVAŞ
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to familiarize the pre-service teachers with problems, especially related to education, that exist in the society around them. To this end, the students are immersed in real-life situations, where they are expected to increase their awareness of the existing problems and contribute to developing possible solutions to those problems through voluntary work.


Throughout the semester, each student is required to spend 28 hours volunteering in a participating organization.

In addition, students must attend weekly class meetings lead by the course instructor and visiting lecturers.

Course Content

In cooperation with national non-governmental organizations, throughout this course student teachers participate in community service to meet certain educational and social needs of local communities in order to develop their critical thinking abilities, their commitment and values, and the skills they need for effective citizenship. Driven by a philosophy of experiential learning, student teachers may take a service or a project option. For the former option, student teachers are to commit to a minimum 15 hours of community service during the term at the following approved non-profit community based agencies:
TEGV: Türk Eğitim Gönüllüleri Vakfı (http://www.tegv.org/v2/default.asp)
ÇYDD: Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği (http://www.cydd.org.tr/ )
TGV: Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (http://www.tog.org.tr/ )
TEV: Türk Eğitim Vakfı (http://www.tev.org.tr/)
AÇEV: Anne Çocuk Eğitim Vakfı (http://www.acev.org/)
İLKYAR: İlköğretim Okullarına Yardım Vakfı (http://www.ilkyar.org.tr/)
ZİÇEV: Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı (http://www.zicev.org.tr/)
ÇEKÜL: Çevre ve Kültür Değerlerini Koruma ve Tanıtma Vakfı (http://www.cekulvakfi.org.tr/)
TEMA: Türkiye Erozyonla Mücadele Ağaçlandırma ve Doğal Varlıkları Koruma Vakfı (http://www.tema.org.tr/ )
KIZILAY (http://www.kizilay.org.tr/)
AKUT: Arama Kurtarma Derneği (http://www.akut.org.tr/)
LÖSEV: Lösemili Çocuklar Vakfı (http://www.losev.org.tr/)
For the latter option, with the guidance of a mentor, student teachers are expected to develop and implement small-scale educational problem-based projects in cooperation with primary and secondary level educational institutions in their local surroundings.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to regard society and education from a more realistic perspective, which will contribute to their being better prepared for their future teaching career. 

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Make appropriate pedagogical decisions in accordance with their particular English teaching context (i.e. Age, setting, location, and learner background) based on a contemporary repertoire of language teaching approaches and methods.
2Critically analyze linguistic, literary, cultural, and historical issues when selecting, developing, and using course materials and assessment instruments.
3Based on their familiarity with educational sciences, literature, and linguistics, establish cross-disciplinary connections and develop critical intellectual curiosity.
4Identify and generate solutions for specific language-related problems which learners of English may face at different proficiency levels.
5Individually and collaboratively design, conduct, and report small-scale educational research projects by employing relevant research methods in the investigation of language with teachers from local, national or international contexts.
6Demonstrate awareness of individual, (multi) cultural, and psycho-social diversity in learning environments and adapt to different local contexts.
7Analyze and address professional challenges based on an awareness of global systems and comparisons of educational systems.
8Fluently and accurately use all receptive and productive English language skills at an advanced level for effective daily and academic communication.
9Effectively translate a diverse set of English and Turkish discourses considering context-specific elements.
10Utilize experiences of learning a foreign language other than English for developing an awareness of language learning processes.
11With self-confidence, effectively communicate with students and other stakeholders in educational settings.
12Engage in reflective teaching, self-evaluation, and ongoing professional development.
13Select and utilize appropriate instructional technologies and information literacy skills to increase the effectiveness of foreign language teaching.
14Promote creativity, understanding, cooperation, and equity to establish a positive classroom environment.
15Develop a critical and multicultural perspective to language and language-related issues emerging from global English contexts.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution