Course Code:4100411
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Elementary Education
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. GAYE TEKSÖZ
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course the student will learn:

  • Global environmental problems.
  • Pollution parameters for water, air
  • How to evaluate problems related human-environment relationship. 
  • The Environmental Science is a fascinating combination of science, economics, politics, and morals.
  • Sustainable development as a solution for environmental threats
  • How natural systems and man-made systems differ.
  • The interrelation between global and local environmental problems
  • How to design an environmental education lecture.

Course Content

A course designed to help students to develop a concern for the environment and sustainable use of natural resources in line with the following concepts: the history of the environmental science and environmental problems; people, population and the environment; global and local environmental problems; sources of pollution, air, water, soil, radioactive pollution problems, loss of biological diversity and to help students to develop an insight about individual and public responsibilities in line with introducing activities of Non Governmental Organizations, case studies and environmental education practices.

Course Learning Outcomes

Student, who passed the course satisfactorily will:

  • identify global environmental problems 
  • define water, air pollution parameters
  • construct relations between natural systems and man-made systems
  • know major concepts related to environmental science; water distribution, wastewater collection, water sources, receiving environment, ecological footprint, hidden use of water, etc.
  • identify environmental porblems as a threat for their future
  • make connections between economy, society and environment
  • realize how global problems are related to simple daily lives.
  • able to construct reasons and results for the global environmental problems in local scale.
  • able to use the knowledge they gained in the course for their teaching career.