Course Code:4110504
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:6.0
Department:Early Childhood Education
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:Lecturer SERAP SEVİMLİ ÇELİK
Offered Semester:Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The course enables students to apply an awareness of the connection between body and mind. This course will also cover the topic of embodiment and how it relates to particular fields of learning. At the end of the semester, students should be able to:

1.    Comprehend the definition and characteristics of embodied learning.
2.    Understand the ways movement tells us about how we learn and live.
3.    Recognize the ways physical expression helps us understand ourselves.  
4.    Recognize the benefits of using an active curriculum.
5.    Understand the ways we can motivate learners to learn while moving and performing.

Course Content

This is an interdisciplinary course investigating the connection between mind and body. Embodied Learning can b defined as that which we learn through the experience of doing tasks with the body-through moving, breathing, and sensing. These embodied experiences are the source and context for thinking, speaking and imagining. Therefore, in this course, students will discover a)the definition and characteristic of embodied learning, b) the benefits of using an active curriculum, c)the ways movement tells us about how we learn and live, d)the ways how physical expression helps us understand ourselves, and e) the ways how we -as educators -can motivate learners to learn while moving and performing.

Course Learning Outcomes

1.    Comprehend the definition and characteristics of embodied learning.
a.    Describe the meaning of embodied learning and its characteristics.
b.    Explain the various functions of embodied learning in general. 
c.    Describe different theories concerning embodied learning. 
2.    Understand the ways movement tells us about how we learn and live.
a.    Discuss why movement matters in our lives. 
b.    Describe the body-mind connection.
c.    Describe the important role of movement in promoting learning. 
3.    Recognize the ways physical expression helps us understand ourselves.  
a.    Describe the expressive use of body.
b.    Categorize the actions of the whole body.
c.    Describe the functions of body in space (general/personal).
4.    Recognize the benefits of using an active curriculum.
a.    Describe the value of active curriculum in educational settings. 
b.    Provide active curriculum examples combining movement and learning. 
c.    Prepare an activity that will help children learn particular subjects through moving.
5.    Understand the ways we can motivate learners to learn while moving and performing.
a.    Describe the role of educators in promoting active curriculum for learners. 
b.    Describe the materials and techniques for creating active curriculum activities. 
c.    Describe the characteristics of an environment that supports moving and learning.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Have skills to identify the problems related to the study field, developing solutions using appropriate research methods and applying these methods.
2Have necessary knowledge and skills to plan, finalize and present research studies related to Early Childhood Education.
3Have necessary knowledge to contribute to program development and evaluation studies related to Early Childhood Education.
4Have skills to apply innovations related to Early Childhood Education in institutions and organizations where they are assigned.
5Have ability to monitor and evaluate domestic and international publications related to the field.
6Be capable of conducting data analysis by using appropriate statistical methods and techniques.
7Have theoretical knowledge about assessment techniques in education, teaching methods and material development that form the basis of the specialist area of Early Childhood Education.
8Have academic and research ethics.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution