Course Code:2340499
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (1.00 - 4.00)
ECTS Credit:10.0
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. GÜLSER İNCİ GÖKMEN
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

The students who take the Undergaduate Research Course will; 

Learn to do a detailed library search and be able to understand the current literature related to the subject that they do the experiments,

Become expert on doing individual research on a current chemistry problem,

Be able to perform experiments individually,

Learn more about laboratory safety,

Be able to write reports related to their research,

Learn to use references properly and correctly,

Learn to prepare a poster and present it to a great audience,


Course Content

This course is intended to improve the research capabilities of graduating students. Each student will be project and an academic advisor; lectures will be given on research design, data evaluation and report writing. A final report and/or a seminar is required at the end of the semester.

Course Learning Outcomes

After succesfully finishing the UnderGraduate Research course the students;

Will decide on the subject they want to investigate and perform experiments,

Will be able to do detailed literature search,

Will be able to gather chemicals and equipment necassary for performing the experiments,

Will be confident to perform experiments themselves in a safe way,

Will interpret the results they had obtained and discuss,

Will be able to write reports, articles related to their research,



Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1Capable of designing solutions for a problem defined with a purpose by taking experimental steps, performing experiments, using standard and modern instruments, analysing data, interpreting results.
2Capable of using modern methods and computational tools necessary for chemistry applications.
3Capable of doing both disciplinary and interdisciplinary teamwork.
4Capable of acting independently, taking initiatives and having analytical thinking skills.
5Capable of using mathematics, physics and biology knowledge to solve chemistry problems.
6Capable of grasping the importance of lifelong learning, following the developments in science and technology and on contemporary issues for self development
7Capable of working individually and making independent decisions, expressing own ideas verbally and non-verbally.
8Capable of having professional and ethical responsibility.
9Competent in a foreign language to follow latest technological developments in chemistry.
10Capable of following the developments in chemistry both at national and international level.
11Capable of doing laboratory experiments, in a green and sustainable way, without harming humans, environment and nature, and taking the necessary precautions to reduce the harmful chemicals and waste.
12Capable of explaining the differences between chemistry and chemical engineering education and job descriptions at various levels including students, society and the industry.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution