Course Code:5710538
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:Computer Engineering
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. VEYSİ İŞLER
Offered Semester:Fall or Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the student will learn

  • global illumination methods such as ray tracing and radiosity
  • GPU programming and distributed networked virtual environments
  • User interfaces, affordance, usability, human computer interaction
  • User interface design paradigms, rules, processes


Course Content

Review of 2D basics, 3-D models and geometric transformations. Graphics standards (PHIGS, GKS) and user interface standards (XWindows). Solid modeling. Illumination and shading. Fractal models. Animation.

Course Learning Outcomes

Student, who passed the course satisfactorily will be able to:

  • develop ray tracing, radiosity and volume rendering methods
  • program on GPU using shaders
  • design and evaluate user interfaces
  • develop a state-of-the-art application of computer graphics (this term it is virtual reality)