Course Code:4300415
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (2.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:4.0
Department:Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:Prof.Dr. ÖMER DELİALİOĞLU
Offered Semester:Fall Semesters.

Course Objectives

  • To provide students with the knowledge and skills to design, install and manage enterprise internetworks.
  • To provide the knowledge to analyze and evaluate enterprise networks.
  • To provide the knowledge and skills to students required to configure routing protocols.

Course Content

This course introduces the basic concepts and principles of router, routing terminology and Wide Area Network protocols. The course covers topics related to Ethernet and Token Ring frames, TCP/IP basics, IP addressing, distance vector and link state routing protocols, RIP and IGRP, router IOS and basic router configuration. It also coversthe various Wide Area Network services, including Frame Relay, ISDN, HDLC, PPP. This course provides additional information on routing protocols beyond that of 4300 314 “Computer Networks and Communications”.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completing a course/learning process successfully, students will be able to:

  • Examine and analyze router elements (RAM, ROM, CDP)
  • Describe the difference between connection-oriented and connectionless networks.
  • Identify the functions of the TCP/IP transport layer protocols.
  • Manage configuration files.
  • Identify the functions performed by ICMP.
  • Prepare an initial configuration of a router and enable IP.
  • Identify the parts in specific protocol address examples.
  • Configure and verify IP addresses
  • Configure the RIP and EIGRP routing protocols to the router configuration.
  • Analyze routing tables and add missing routes
  • Configure static routing
  • Configure EIGRP and OSPF
  • Explain the key Frame Relay terms and features.
  • Identify PPP operations.
  • Identify WAN protocols, function groups, reference points, and channels.

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1They have the skill and knowledge to use information technologies.
2They use information technology to access information, and they analyze, synthesize, and evaluate knowledge by adapting to new situations.
3They use strategies and techniques based on learning theories and apply them to solve instructional problems in a systemic and systematic way
4They have skill and knowledge in analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation in instructional design process.
5They implement learning-teaching methods and techniques in computer education.
6They have knowledge, skill and competency about computer hardware, operating systems, computer networks and programming languages.
7They determine measurement and evaluation methods and techniques used in computer education.
8They have the ability to conduct and present results of intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary researches in the field of instructional technology.
9They comprehend project management processes and implement and present projects electronically.
10They have critical thinking and problem solving skills.
11They have social communication and cultural exchange skills.
12They have legal knowledge, skills and attitudes required for teaching profession and apply them in the learning environment.

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution