Course Code: | 5627024 |
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): | 3 (3.00 - 0.00) |
ECTS Credit: | 8.0 |
Department: | Civil Engineering |
Language of Instruction: | English |
Level of Study: | Graduate |
Course Coordinator: | Lecturer ENDER ŞENKAYA |
Offered Semester: | Fall and Spring Semesters. |
Course Objectives
- Students will understand evolution of law systems together with progress of civilization throughout history
- Students will understand construction contract structures from past to present at international scale
- Students will understand law related issues regarding construction contracting
- Students will gain awareness on managing and preparing construction contracts with a comparative study
- Students will comprehend strategic aspects of a typical construction contract
Course Content
Study of the project management environment focusing particularly on strategic interactions between contractual procedures, tendering process and scheduling with comparative emphasis on different contact types for various types of projects.
Course Learning Outcomes
Student, who passed the course satisfactorily will be able to:
- develop their skills on causality (cause & effect) with emphasis on evolution of philosophical ideas throughout historical progress of civilization
- develop awareness on the reasons behind evolution of constrcution law and contracts under different law systems (mainly Romano Germenic and Common Law) with the help of case law studies
- comprehend various types of constrcution delivery methods with regard to various international standard forms like FIDIC, NEC & AIA
- comprehend structure of principle constrcution clauses with emphasis on time frames, liabilities, damages, variations, force major, termination, guarantees, value engineering etc.
- enhance their decision making capacity by developing empathetic approach to contractual issues using analytical methods
- develop awareness on contemporary project monitoring integrated into construction contracts to enable basic claim preparation
- develop awareness on various dispute resolution methods under international contracts