Course Code:8010604
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):0 (2.00 - 2.00)
ECTS Credit:10.0
Department:History of Architecture
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:PhD
Course Coordinator:Assist.Prof.Dr EKİN PİNAR
Offered Semester:Fall or Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

Course Content

This course is complementary to AH601 Critical Review in Architectural History and preparatory for the Ph.D. qualification exam. It is directed towards overviewing architectural history and historiography by focusing on the topic of survey as a critical enterprise. It aims to equip students with the tools of studying the topic comprehensively to develop their own research and interpretation techniques.

Bu ders, AH601 Critical Review in Architectural History dersini tamamlayıcı ve doktora yeterlik sınavına hazırlayıcı özellikler taşır. Mimarlık tarihini ve tarihyazımını, genel mimarlık tarihi dersi ve kitabı konusuna odaklanarak inceler. Öğrenciler, bu konuyu kapsamlı olarak çalışabilmeleri için, kendi araştırma ve yorumlama tekniklerini geliştirebilmelerini de sağlayarak, gereken araçlarla donatmayı amaçlar.

Course Learning Outcomes