Course Code:8010540
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week):3 (3.00 - 0.00)
ECTS Credit:8.0
Department:History of Architecture
Language of Instruction:English
Level of Study:Graduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester:Fall and Spring Semesters.

Course Objectives

This course aims to introduce students to interdisciplinary thinking by encouraging them to critically analyze the dialogues, interchanges, as well as dissents between the disciplines of art, architecture, and cinema.

Course Content

Focusing on the time period since the late nineteenth century, this course aims to familiarize students with the dialougues, interchanges as well as dissents between the disciplines of art, architecture, and cinema. With an interdisciplinary emphasis, we will explore various intersections between art, architecture, and cinema by studying several topics around which the conversations among the theories and practices of these disciplines especially intensified. We will consider how these key terms, themes, concepts, and preoccupations that gave way to spirited dialogues among disciplines-including modernities and modernisms, attractions, slapstick, design pedagogy,window, montage, apparatus theory, site-specificity, archiveology and the city, modernitys ruins, institutional critique, and tensions between the white cube and the black box-have been inflected by historical, social and cultural distinctions as well as expansions.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course the successful students are expected to:

CLO_1: Understand different approaches to interdisciplinarity 

CLO_2: Obtain a critical perspective into some of the motivations, resistances, and questions that scholars encounter as they attempt to shift and broaden modern disciplinary boundaries

CLO_3: Obtain knowledge of a variety of approaches and methodologies to analyze various intersections between art, architecture, and cinema

CLO_4: Understand the historical, social, and cultural distinctions as well as expansions at work in the different intersections between art, architecture, and cinema

Program Outcomes Matrix

Level of Contribution
#Program Outcomes0123
1acquire basic and up-to-date information in the field of architectural history, both in local and global levels (knowledge)
2have profound knowledge of research methods and literature in the field (knowledge)
3conduct independent research and study (skills)
4collect and use information from diverse and reliable sources and archival research (skills )
5relate architectural history to other fields and benefit from the knowledge obtained from them (skills )
6transmit architectural history knowledge textually and verbally by various communication and presentation tools in an effective way (in Turkish and English) (skills)
7create architectural history products such as publications, exhibitions, restitution reports, and others in using knowledge acquired in the field and its subjects (in Turkish and English) (skills)
8use the knowledge and experience gained to contribute to the discipline of architectural history and cultural environments (attitudes)
9observe up-to-date knowledge and research in the field and be open to lifelong learning (attitudes)
10be open to imparting knowledge in different milieus (attitudes)
11work within the framework of disciplinary procedures and code of ethics (attitudes)

0: No Contribution 1: Little Contribution 2: Partial Contribution 3: Full Contribution